

Chocolate has always been a passionate interest of mine, but recently this passion has developed into an obsession! Since visiting La Iguana Chocolate, I have truly fallen in love with chocolate and every step involved in its production. I think that the Theobroma cacao plant is absolutely beautiful; tiny flowers growing from the tree trunk that develop into cherelles (small pods) which eventually turn into stunningly vibrant and multi-coloured cacao pods. It is these pods which hold the treasure that makes one of the uniquely appreciated foods on the planet.

I am sometimes involved with chocolate in my job, however, I have also been learning a lot about chocolate in my free time outside work. I spent some of my annual leave volunteering on a cacao farm in Costa Rica (I also went to practice my Spanish skills!). I frequently experiment with chocolate in my recipes on my blog and I am always on the hunt for interesting and unusual chocolate products from around the world. Sometimes I get a bit carried away and end up spending a lot of money just to sample some which really catch my eye...

My readers might see that I post more about my discoveries from the chocolate world on this blog than recipes, but please visit my Instagram too, which I update much more frequently!

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