
Thursday, 2 September 2010

Speculoos Millionaire's shortbread

Here is another recipe using the divine spreadable biscuit. Please excuse my language, but holy crap these things taste amazing! The recipe here is very simple - shortbread base, a can of dulce de leche mixed with a jar of Speculoos spread and then a layer of your choice of chocolate.

I made half with milk chocolate and the other half with dark chocolate. In my opinion, the dark is by far the best. I have given out samples of these delicous chunks and had great feedback. If you have a jar of Speculoos lying around, I could not recommend a better way to use it! The dulce de leche marries so well with it. The Speculoos taste gives the treat a massive boost.



  1. Again...... YUM.

    Please make me some more. now.

    :) x

  2. Having asked you about speculoos, I couldn't escape them in Belgium so I am now acquainted with the biscuit - still not the spread though. Your shortbread looks amazing.

  3. Best things ever! When you return at xmas I think you should make some more!! xxxxx

  4. I had never heard about speculoos until I came across your blog. The shortbread looks good enough for a millionaire!

  5. I miss these already. Please come up with some more recipes for it!


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