This time last year, I wrote my very first post during my Easter holidays on some chai cupcakes that I had made for a cupcake party. I was impressed with the photos that I had taken of the cupcakes, and I had also seen a few food blogs before. So, with the encouragement of my friend Harriet (a Fashion Journalist student who also has a blog, Sugar Lips) I decided to start my food blog.
Over the year, I have been completely overwhelmed with each new blog that I have discovered. I think that the food blogging world is extraodinarily inspirational and I feel very priviledged to be part of it. Thank you to every blogger that has inspired me.
Please forgive my "cheesiness", but I would like to thank everyone who has read my blog. To be honest, I am not entirely sure who actually reads it! But thank you, oh so much, to those that do. Also, I would like to give a special thank you to those who communicate with me about my blog via comments. I have felt truly touched by some extremely kind and generous comments that you have left me. It has been such an absolute pleasure to hear that people enjoy reading my blog. I remember how excited I was to receive my first comment from a friend, and then to receive my first comment from a fellow food blogger. What a wonderful experience this past year has been. I never knew such happiness could stem from blogging!
Sometimes I have felt sorry for Chicken in a Cherry Sauce, as, at times, I have been so busy that I have neglected the blog a little. I hope that I will manage to continue and develop this blog in the future. I also hope that you, my lovely readers, will be patient and continue the great support that you have given me through my blog thus far.
I like to think of all of you, who communicate with me through my blog, as my friends.
I look forward to the next year and hope to keep up as life gets busier!