
Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Crispy Microwaved Bacon and a Cling Film Poached Egg

Dear readers,

No one believes me when I tell them that one can make crispy bacon in a microwave. Most people think that it won't become crisp. I didn't believe it either when I first heard of the idea. Now that I've seen it with my own eyes, I never cook my bacon any other way. I have the same feeling about the genius idea of cling film poached eggs.

Poached eggs are my favourite type of egg, as I have mentioned previously in my San Francisco Brunch post. However, I am usually put off of making them because the art of poaching an egg is so difficult to conquer, especially when the eggs aren't fresh. This all changed when someone shared the cling film method with me. It was given to me by one of my housemates, and I believe that she first heard of it from one of Jamie Oliver's shows. It is practically fool-proof (I say practically because one of my housemates managed to fail due to his impatience!) and provides an evenly-cooked white with a runny yolk, and no mess or egg soup!

Microwaved crispy bacon:

Place the strips of bacon onto 2 pieces of kitchen roll (to soak up the excess fat) on a plate and place in the microwave. Cook on high for 2 minutes. Turn the bacon strips over and cook for a further minute. For crispier bacon strips, cook further in intervals of 30 seconds.

Note: The bacon strips usually turn out a little dryer than if they were grilled or fried, however, I believe this to be healthier since more fat has been removed during the cooking process.

Cling film poached eggs:

Place a large square of cling film over and onto a shallow cup or mug and push down the centre of the cling film to make space for the egg. Crack an egg into the cling film and then bring the edges together and twist to seal the egg into a package. Poach as normal, i.e. in a pan of boiling water, covering the egg entirely, for four minutes. Carefully remove the cling film and serve.

Note: This cooking time is for a large egg at room temperature (~20°C). If the egg has been stored in the fridge, cook for five minutes. The result is an evenly cooked white with a runny yolk. I don't usually grease the cling film first, but lining with butter or oil can make the removal of the poached egg from the cling film a little easier.

I ate my microwaved bacon and poached egg with a zucchini pancake and some garlic-fried mushrooms.

Has anyone else tried these kitchen tricks?


  1. I have never put bacon in the microwave but I'm about to try it right now!!!!!! = )

  2. omg! this post made me hungry!

  3. I cook my bacon in the microwave too - it seems healthier to me. Love the idea of how you poached your egg. The breakfast looks AMAZING!

  4. hey miss i just found your blog and i love it!
    you've got some super yummy things on here!
    now following ♥! say hi back sometime?

    hugs, xo!
    * *

  5. wow.looks really just mouth watering.perfectly done.......great job....

  6. I heard about microwave bacon, I believe you, but I've never tried since I don't have a microwave.

  7. You are such a genius simplified the cooking of bacon and poached egg. I simply adore the microwave bacon method and would love to cook this for my family this weekend :D

  8. I love poached eggs, but rarely make them. I need to change that and try this method - brilliant!

  9. Totally trying the cling film method of poaching an egg! They too are my favourite type of egg, and I usually crack mine into a ladle and hold it in the water until it forms the shape before dropping it in completely. Your way seems much easier! xxxx

  10. That looks mighty scrumptious! The egg is just perfect.



  11. you learn something new every day.. cling wrap poached egg - cool

  12. I've not yet pouched eggs in cling film, will have to do so the next time I wanna good brunch. I will have to accompany it with some homemade 'facon bacon' though :0

  13. I can't poach an egg, although it doesn't help because unfortunately I don't like them! I'm going to try this method when I next make eggs for my husband. It's a long time since I used the microwave for bacon and I must revisit this method.

  14. Two of my favourites done perfectly in the micro, this I have to try very soon, thanks.

  15. Lazy cooking- I love it! Am definitely going to try the cling film poached egg!

  16. Am I weird because I don't have a microwave? but anyways I´ll make bacon in a skillet as always, I got really hungry when I saw that egg on top

  17. your recipe in microwave is amazing! love it!!

  18. Im going to give that poached egg idea a go. Can never get them right!

  19. Both the ideas are superb, will try them :-)

  20. Okay Hazel, I'm ready for breakfast! :) Who knew bacon in the microwave would crisp?!? Hooray!

  21. I've just eaten the best ever poached egg on toast for lunch.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Next week I'm going to make English Muffins and try the micro crispy bacon to have on a toasted with poached egg and bacon. Can't wait, xx


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