
Friday, 22 June 2012

Lime Drizzle Cupcakes

Dear readers,

Lime has such a refreshing, tart and aromatic flavour and is so versatile across the world of cuisine. I was so surprised at the lack of "lime drizzle" recipes, as there are many lemon drizzle and some orange drizzle recipes out there, that I decided to test the idea myself.
I used a simple sponge recipe with equal weights of eggs, flour, butter and sugar. I actually made a crucial mistake when making these cupcakes - I forgot to use self raising flour! I was quite surprised by how much the cakes rose without any raising agent involved. One almost couldn't tell!
As I mixed the lime juice, sugar and lime zest together, the beautiful bright green of the lime zest started to fade (see photos) to a less attractive olive green colour. This is due to the replacement of the magnesium ions in the chlorophyll with hydrogen ions in the acidic lime juice. Unfortunately, this didn't come to mind before I made the cupcakes! Despite the colour change, I very much enjoyed these cupcakes and they make an interesting yet subtle change from the infamous lemon drizzle cakes!

Lime drizzle cupcakes
2 medium eggs
120g self raising flour
120g butter
200g caster sugar
Zest of 3 limes
Juice of 1 lime

This will make around 12 medium-sized cupcakes.

Mix the butter and 120g of sugar together until well-combined, then add the flour, eggs and zest of 2 limes. Fill the cupcake cases and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180°C, or until golden brown.

Mix the zest and juice of 1 lime with the remaining 80g of sugar. Drizzle on top of the cupcakes while they are still warm. Then enjoy!


  1. They look amazing Hazel! Definitely going to try :) x

  2. You can't beat drizzle cakes, they are always so moist, tasty and tender. Great set of photo's too.

  3. I often think that lime would make me far happier than lemon in such cake recipes - is drizzle cake the same as syrup cake - I am not sure I have ever made one but I like the name

  4. These are so simple but look so darn flavorful. The drizzle is the shizzle!

  5. Lime is one of my fav ingredients for both savoury and sweet cooking.

    Your lime drizzle cupcake is simply beautiful :D

  6. Delicious! That is one flavor I love.



  7. Definitely not enough lime drizzles and this looks delicious! Please send me one :)

  8. Maybe it's because I grew up in Asia, but I've always much preferred the zesty sweetness of lime as compared to lemon, this is a great take on lemon drizzle cake. It's alright that it didn't rise, I'm sure it tasted good anyway (:

  9. Those look really tasty, I've made some with the wrong flour before and they were vile!

  10. I can just imagine how tasty and fresh these cupcakes are! YUM!


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