
Monday, 21 June 2010

Speculoos and Kahlua tiramisu

As I said I would, in my previous post, I have began experimenting with my large number of Speculoos biscuits.

My first experiment consists of Speculoos tiramisus. I have Kahlua in the cupboard, and I thought this would be perfect for this recipe.

I have consumed a fair amount of my Speculoos biscuits dipped in strong hot coffee. The caramelised spicey biscuit soaked in coffee provides a delicious wet crunch and powerful flavour, so I knew these would go well in a tiramisu.

The spiciness of the biscuits gave the tiramisu a twist to it's usual flavours. The moussey part was very light in order to smoothen the pungency of the espresso, and take the edge off of the sweetness of the biscuits and Kahlua.

I think I may make a bigger batch of these again soon as they proved to be a... grrrrreat success!



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